Akatsuki's website!

Welcome to Akatsuki's website!

My own Discord bot, Akabot is now verified! It now has a symbolic checkmark next to it, showing it's a legitimate Discord bot.

Akatsuki's website

Quick Little Introductory Card

Short About me

I (Akatsuki) am a trans (cat)girl who writes code. I makes various content from YouTube videos to programming.

I make My Summer Car mods but I am not certainly limited to only that. I make other projects such as Akabot, Astolfo Forge mod, Astolfo is coming for you and many more.

My My Summer Car mods include adding new features (Highway Car Breakdowns), completely changing the balance of the game (Asphalt Roads), adding completely unseen content into the game (LGBTQ Pride Flags) and even joke mods (OwOifier). I don't consider myself a My Summer Car modder though.

My projects

You can either view the project list here or you can click on it's dedicated page.
My Projects

My My Summer Car mods

More may appear here if things get added or I get ideas of what to put here.

My history

If you want to get in detail of my past, you can read more about that here.

Follow me on Nekoweb

Buttons :3

My button

You can add my button on my website, you'll have to download it and put it somewhere on your site. 88x31 button


88x31 button


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My Discord server
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